Hey its your girl Candy so yeah today is May.19,2010 and it was lunch and i ask every one my friend "Ayoo were Jeniffer at" and she said "Oh she in the office with her aunt and the rest of the whole 6th grade teachers" so i said "Oh okay it what ever" so i ask my friend Shadari to come with me to go and see Jeniffer in the office and than we walk in and i saw Jeniffer i told Shadari "Ayoo Shadari, Jeniffer look mad scared like she look like she's gonna cry right know" so than Shadari said "Oh well lets go cause her aunts getting out of the meeting" .Than we came the the lunch room and saw Jeniffer and we went to her and i saw her crying like she was really scared and than i ask Nicole "What happen with Jeniffer why is she crying?" she told me "She crying because they said that on Friday when we was getting wet you was you there Candy oh wait no you wasn't we when we was getting wet on Friday one said we was playing butty tag Jeniffer get home her "aunt" gonna hit her so
When i saw Jeniffer face i was crying with her to cause she was crying and when some one cry i mite cry with them and our other friend Ayanna was like to Jeniffer "If you run away Jeniffer then come to my house" and we told Jeniffer "No don't go just take the pain and if you run away they gonna do the same thing they did when you ran to my house" so she went home and she told one of the HCZ helper to her "aunt" and ask if Jeniffer can stay at the HCZ and her "aunt" said yes and when i left she was scared because when she get home she was gonna get hit.
Well today is today and Ayanna is like omg she is just funny she make us laugh but Jeniffer is like she don't like any dam teacher in FDA like they stay on her case so as Ayanna she don't none of them they always talking stuff she sick and tired of her teacher and that how Jeniffer get abused why her "aunt" Be hitting her ode and i hate when teacher be on y case and i don't like when they do that that get me pissed
What is Wong do you think she is gonna get in trouble be her "aunt"? Do you thinks eh should listen to Ayanna? Do you think that Jeniffer should do good so she don't get hit by her aunt?
Come answer this question...DO YOU?